john guibas and tejpal virdi
Synthetic Medical Images from Dual Generative Adversarial Networks
We explore a stacked GAN architecture to produce synthetic training data that avoids privacy concerns and allows for sufficient training of deep, data-hungry networks.
Super-resolution GAN for Medical Images
Applying Super-resolution to restore quality in colonscopy video.
Towards an Autonomous Car using Computer Vision
Vehicle detection and Depth Estimation are important steps towards building an autonomous car. We utilize a U-Net segmentation network to segment out vehicles given a 2d image and then train a CNN to learn depth from stereo images.
Neural Style Transfer
In this blog post, we review neural style transfer and how it has advanced in the last few years.
The Generative Adversarial Network Explained
In this post, we explore the architecture of the GAN and its ability to generate images no one has seen before.
A Simple Neural Network
Over the last weekend, we committed ourselves to learning exactly how a neural network (NNs) works. This intro blog post will teach you everything you need to get a straightforward neural net running.
Convolutional Neural Networks Explained
We explore the convolutional neural network: a network that excel at image recognition and classification.
Generating Patterns from Compositional Pattern Producing Networks
Exploring the effectiveness at untrained neural networks generating art.
Facial Recognition through Eigenfaces
This blog post demonstrates the process of analyzing a set of images with the goal of identifying an average face, prominent face, eigenface, and recognition system using eigenvectors.